A North Hampton taxpayer who is fiscally inquisitive and values due diligence. A Community advocate for those who are unable to speak up. Relevant Experience includes over 20 years as a Director of Surgical Services with responsibility for annual operating and capital equipment budgets for multiple departments with 250 employees.
• Preserve a thoughtful and balanced approach to town budget management.
• Understand and represent the financial challenges of the elderly, those on fixed incomes, and others, taking into account every age group and their specific needs.
• Act as a bridge between our community and the budget committee seeking to maximize quality of life while supporting responsible spending.
• Bring years of budgeting experience to the table to assure fiscal responsibility.
• Engage the community in information and represent shared concerns at the table.
• Enhance transparency in government and provide a new voice as the future develops.
As I was reminded at a Select Board meeting by Town Administrator Tully “the tax rate is a formula based on spending.” I would like to be your voice to ensure we are managing spending in a way that keeps our tax rate fair for all town taxpayers and provides what is needed to keep the town thriving as a seacoast “hidden” gem.
Questions about me or my experience? I'd love to hear from you! I hope to earn your vote for North Hampton Budget Committee on Tuesday, March 12.